24/7 Keyzotrick Intelligence Services
Contact Us chief@keyzotrickintelligence.com

About Us
Keyzotrick is a global cyber intelligence, investigative, and cyber security consulting and implementation organization headquartered in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand with its operation base in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Serving the Intelligence Community, Law Enforcement agencies, and Corporate clients with the highest standards of excellence while delivering unmatched results in agility.
We are proud to have partnered with all the major government agencies and private sector organizations in cyber e-intelligence, investigation, training and special services. We are known for our expertise in police modernization, fraud investigation, surveillance, 360-degree ghost security, and offering cutting-edge technology to law enforcement agencies to assist them to serve and protect the nation.
We are a firm with a sole focus on cyber intelligence and investigations. Being vendor-neutral, allows us to stay laser-focused on delivering the latest high-end security solutions for our customers.
Keyzotrick offers world-class tailored solutions to complex business and litigation challenges for individuals, private, government as well as Defence Sectors.

Our advanced data-driven media monitoring services provide important insights to authorities in monitoring, tracking, and analyzing online activity on all levels of the internet, including the CyberHumint, SIGINT, COMMINT, Deep and Dark web, in order to identify new data sources and leads to maximize their investigations.